Louisiana SEMP Toolkit

Several tools, sample plans and checklists have been developed across various local, State and Federal agencies, departments and stakeholder organizations to help local school districts improve existing plans and create new plans where needed. Louisiana’s School and Campus Safety Study Group – in partnership with the GOHSEP and the LADOE – has consolidated key existing materials into this easy-to-use Louisiana ToolKit for Developing High-Quality School Emergency Operations Plans (High-Quality EOP ToolKit).

This ToolKit includes how-to job aids and samples to assist school-safety plan development, maintenance and exercise of school EOPs.




 Table of Contents  Table of Contents PDF 
 How to Use This Toolkit  Microsoft Word
 Louisiana Guide for Developing High-Quality School Emergency Operations Plans  Louisiana Guide for Developing High-Quality School Emergency Operations Plans
 SAMPLE All-Hazards Emergency Operations Plan   SAMPLE All-Hazards Emergency Operations Plan SAMPLE All-Hazards Emergency Operations Plan
 SAMPLE National Incident Management System (NIMS) Resolution  SAMPLE All-Hazards Emergency Operations Plan
 SAMPLE Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)  SAMPLE All-Hazards Emergency Operations Plan
 SAMPLE MOU Template  SAMPLE MOU Template SAMPLE All-Hazards Emergency Operations Plan
 SAMPLE Exercise Development Tools  SAMPLE All-Hazards Emergency Operations Plan
 SAMPLE Exercises  SAMPLE All-Hazards Emergency Operations Plan
 Emergency Preparedness Flipbook  Emergency Preparedness Flipbook SAMPLE All-Hazards Emergency Operations Plan

 Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) District Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) Self-Assessment Tool

 SAMPLE All-Hazards Emergency Operations Plan
 REMS Building Blocks to School Safety Kit  SAMPLE All-Hazards Emergency Operations Plan
 Louisiana State Police School Safety Checklist  SAMPLE All-Hazards Emergency Operations Plan
 NIMS Implementation Activities for Schools  SAMPLE All-Hazards Emergency Operations Plan